EPISODE 4 - Lords Of The Valley

Previously on FALCON CREST:

------------The Channings, Giobertis, and Cumson celebrated Christmas at Falcon Crest.

-----------Emma and Julia returned for Christmas.

Falcon Crest.....morning

While Lance gets dressed in his and Pilar's bedroom, Pilar walks in from their master bathroom putting on her earrings.  


"Was wonderful having Eric here for Christmas, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, it was,"  Lance says.  

"Lance, I think he would come home if he was asked."

"Pilar, I am not gonna go to Eric and beg him to come home,"  Lance says. "He knows this is his home, and he can come back anytime he wants to. Besides, being on his own for a while will be good for him.  Hopefully, it'll teach him some responsibility and help him grow up."

"Lance, our son belongs HERE, at Falcon Crest,"  Pilar says.  "Not at Del Oro.  I want him home.  So, I guess I'll just have to find a way to bring him home myself if his father won't."


Lance looks at her for a moment, then turns and walks out of the bedroom.  

Falcon Crest.....the winery, a short time later

Lance enters the winery at Falcon Crest a short time later and finds Angela there.  He is not pleased to see his cousin at work in the winery.


"Lance, hi,"  Angela says, walking over to him.  


"Angela, what are you doing here?"

"What does it look like?"  Angela asks.  "I'm working."


"You're working?"  Lance asks.  "In the winery?"


"Sure.  I figured what better way than to learn more about the family business than working right here in the winery.  I wanna learn all I can about Falcon Crest and all its operations."




"Why?  Because one day I'm gonna be the owner of a very sizable percentage of Falcon Crest.,"  Angela says.  "So, I wanna know exactly what it is I'm gonna be getting.  Lance, do you have a problem with me working here?"


Lance looks at his cousin, but says nothing.  After giving her an angry and displeased glare, he turns and walks away.  Angela smiles with satisfaction after he's gone over having irritated Lance.

The Omni Hotel, San Francisco....

A black limousine comes to a stop in front of the Omni Hotel in San Francisco.  A chauffeur gets out, walks around the limo to the rear passenger door and opens it.  A man wearing a charcoal gray suit gets out of the limo and walks into the hotel. He makes his way through the lobby and to the front desk.  


"Excuse me,"  the man says to the desk clerk.


"Yes, sir, how may I help you?"


"My name is Jeremy Lord.  I have a reservation," the man says in a British accent.


"Oh, yes, Mr. Lord," the clerk say, looking at the book.  "You'll be in suite 719."  He motions for a bellboy to come over.


A young blonde bellboy of about 20 walks over.  "Yes, Mr. Connolly?"


"Derek, take Mr. Lord's bags up to suite 719, please."


"Yes, sir."


Jeremy Lord signs the guest registry.  


"Will you be staying in San Francisco for long, Mr. Lord?"  The desk clerk asks.


"Oh, yes,"  Lord replies.  "If my plans work out, I just might be staying in San Francisco for quite some time.  I have business here, and my wife will be joining me shortly."


"Fine, Mr. Lord."


Jeremy flashes a slight smile to the clerk, then turns and follows the bellboy to the elevator.  

The San Francisco Globe.....later

Richard is working at his desk at his newspaper, The San Francisco Globe, when his secretary buzzes his intercom.  


"Yes, Sally?"  Richard says.


"Mr. Channing, Jeremy Lord is here to see you," the secretary says.


"Thank you, Sally.  Send Mr. Lord in."  Richard stands from his seat behind his desk and walks over to the door to greet Jeremy Lord as Sally shows him into the office.


"Can I get you anything, Mr. Lord?"  Sally asks.


"No thank, you, I'm fine,"  Lord replies.


"That'll be all, Sally,"  Richard says, and the secretary leaves the office.  "Mr. Lord."


"Mr. Channing........a man who certainly needs no introduction."


"Well, thank you.  I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, however.  I've heard your name in business circles, of course, but, other than that I know nothing about you."


Jeremy smiles.  "Well, we can certainly rectify that.  First of all I'd like to thank you for taking the time to see me on such short notice."


"It's no problem,"  says Richard.  "Now then, what can I do for you, Mr. Lord?"


"Please, call me Jeremy.  And I have a business proposition to make to you.  One that I hope you won't be able to refuse."


Richard looks at the man with skepticism and curiosity, not quite sure what to think of this man Jeremy Lord.

Del Oro Spa and Health Club....

Kevin Channing walks through the front lobby of the Del Oro Spa and Health Club and makes his way out the back door to the tennis court, where his brother Michael and his wife Elena are engaging in a tennis game.  Kevin waits for a minute or so until Michael and Elena finish their game, then he walks over to them.


"Great game, sweetheart,"  Michael says, kissing his wife.  


"Yes it was, especially since I won,"  Elena says.  


"Beginner's luck."


Elena looks over at Kevin and smiles.  "Well, I think I'm gonna go over to the bar and get a drink."


"I'll be over soon,"  Michael says, kissing her again.  


Elena again smiles at Kevin, then walks past him and in the direction of the outdoor bar, located on a patio just off the tennis courts and adjacent to the main building.  


Michael walks over to his brother.  "Hey, man, what brings you down here?"  


"I was hoping to join you for a game.  Looks like I got here too late."


Michael smiles.  "Yeah, I've already had two games with my lovely wife."


"She beat you?"  Kevin asks with a smile.



"You let her, didn't you?"


"Sure did."


"Why, dude?  You're the best tennis player I know."

Michael puts a hand on his brother's shoulder.  "Little bro, I thought I taught you better than that.  When you wanna get close to a young woman's heart, let her win a game or two of tennis, or whatever it is you're playing.  Makes 'em feel real good inside."


Kevin laughs.  


"So, how have things been going with you?"  Michael asks.  "I hardly ever get to talk to you at home anymore."


"Yeah, well, I've been keeping myself kinda busy lately."

"What's her name?"  


"Brooke.  But, it's not serious.  As a matter of fact, I kinda have my sights set on another young lady."


Michael smiles.  "Well, well.  My little brother the ladies man.  Maybe some of my teaching did rub off on you after all.  So who's this other young lady."

"Emma Ryland,"  Kevin replies.  


"Emma Ryland.  Emma Ryland,"  Michael repeats.  "Where do I know that name from?  Oh, wait.......isn't that.......Harris Ryland's daughter?"


"Cliff Barnes's daughter, actually."


"Yeah.  Elena knows her,"  says Michael.  "But, she lives in Dallas."


"So?  Dallas isn't that far by plane."


"Kevin, from what I've heard about that girl from Elena, I'd be mighty careful if I were you."


"Don't worry, big brother.  I've got my eyes wide open,"  Kevin says as he looks over his brother's shoulder and sees a young man he's never seen before walk out of the club and approach the outdoor bar just off the tennis courts. Kevin watches as the guy takes a seat on a stool next to Elena and says something to her.  "Hey, Michael.  Who's that guy over there?"


"Where?"  Michael asks, turning around.  


"That guy at the bar,"  replies Kevin.  "The one sitting next to Elena."


"I don't know.  Never saw him around here before.  But since he's talking to my wife, why don't we go over and introduce ourselves."


"Sure.  Seems like that's the neighborly thing to do."  


The two brothers walk across the courts to the bar, where Elena is chatting with the stranger.  "Hi,"  Michael says.


"Hello," the young stranger says.


"Jonathon, this is my husband, Michael Channing,"  Elena says.  "And his brother, Kevin.  This is Jonathon Lord."


"Gentlemen,"  young Lord says, extending his hand.


"Mr. Lord,"  Michael says.  "You're new around here, aren't you?"

"Yes, yes I am,"  Jonathon replies.  "And I must say, so far, I love your charming valley."


"Good,"  Michael says.  "Well, welcome to the Tuscany Valley."


"Thank you.  Channing?  Channing?  Would you guys by any chance be related to a Richard Channing?"


Michael smiles.  "I'll say we are.  He's our father."


"Really?  Well, what a small world.  My father is here hoping to do business with your father.  In fact, they should be having a meeting right about now."


"Well, how about that,"  says Kevin.  "Say, you any good at tennis?"


"I do alright at the game,"  says Jonathon.  


"Care to join me for a game?"  Kevin asks.


"Yes, I'd like that,"  Jonathon says, looking over Kevin's shoulder as he sees a lovely young woman pass by and smile at him.  "My, my.  This place is just crawling with beautiful ladies, isn't it?"


Kevin smiles.  "You aint seen nothin' yet."

The San Francisco Globe....

Meanwhile, back at The Globe, Richard and Jeremy Lord are concluding their business meeting.  


"Mr. Channing, I wish that there were something I could say to persuade you to sell your newspaper to me, but, I see that I'm just wasting my time,"  Jeremy says.  


"Yes, I'm afraid you are, Mr. Lord,"  says Richard.  "You see, this newspaper was left to me by my late father, Douglas Channing, and I have no desire to sell it to you or to anyone else."


Jeremy smiles as he stands from his seat.  "I quite understand.  Well, forgive me for taking so much of your time, then."


"No, not at all,"  Richard says, standing to face his guest.  


"Perhaps the two of us can do some business together in the future."


"Perhaps so.  I take it you're going to be sticking around San Francisco for a while, then?"  Richard asks.


"Yes.  I find San Francisco absolutely captivating.  And my wife will be joining me here tomorrow."


"Wonderful.  Well, Mr. Lord, welcome to the magnificent state of California, I'm sure you'll be very happy here.  Call me sometime, maybe we can play a round of golf."


"I'd like that,"  says Jeremy as he and Richard shake hands.  "Take care, Mr. Channing."


"Thank you, I will."

Jeremy smiles, then nods at Richard, then turns and walks out of the office.  Richard closes the door behind him and returns to his desk.  Once he walks out of the office of Richard's secretary, Jeremy smiles.  "Oh, Richard," he says quietly to himself.  "I think perhaps we will be doing business together.  Just not in the way that you might think."  Jeremy smiles again, this time deviously.  Obviously, this newcomer has something major up his sleeve for Richard Channing.

Falcon Crest.....late afternoon




Pilar is doing some straightening in the living room at Falcon Crest late that afternoon, fluffing some pillows on the sofa, when she hears Eric's motorcycle drive up outside. Excitement over her son's visit grips Pilar as she braces herself, then walks to the front door and opens it just as Eric brings the bike to a stop in front of the porch.  Pilar stands in the doorway looking at her son with a smile.  

Eric takes off his helmet as he gets off the bike and looks at his mother.  "Mom,"  he says.


"I'm glad you came,"  Pilar says.  "Come on in the house."


Eric reluctantly follows his mother into the house, and Pilar closes the door behind them.  He looks around the foyer for a moment, then takes off his jacket and turns to his mother.  "Okay, Mom, I'm here.  Now, what was so important that you wanted to talk to me about?"


"I was hoping I could convince you to move back home,"  says Pilar.


Eric sighs.  "Mom....."


"Eric, just listen to me.  It was WONDERFUL having you here at Christmas.  Your father felt so, too.  Honey, this is your HOME.  You belong here."


"Do I?  Do any of us?"


"What does that mean?"


"It MEANS that maybe this family would be better off without Falcon Crest.  If we all just moved outta here and start over fresh, away from the stress and pressures of this place."


"Eric, Falcon Crest is our home.  It's our legacy.  It's your and your sister's heritage."


"Yeah.  Some heritage,"  Eric says.  "Look what Falcon Crest has done to Dad.  To this whole family."


"Where is this coming from?"  Pilar asks.  "This........resentment....... this hostility...........toward Falcon Crest and toward your family's legacy?"

"Where is this coming from?"  Eric asks.  "Mom, just look at us.  All my life I've had to compete with this damned winery for Dad's attention, and yours.  I've seen power struggles and family feuds and backstabbing.  All for the sake of Falcon Crest.  But, who knows?  Maybe this is how it's supposed to be.  Maybe the Channings and the Cumsons were meant to be that way.  Maybe that's what great-grandmother Angela intended."


Pilar moves closer to her son and puts her hands on his face.  "Oh, sweetheart.  I never realized you felt this way."


"Of course not,"  says Eric.  "How could you?  You and Dad were always too busy running Falcon Crest to know what was going on with me, or with Gabby."


"Eric, I'm sorry.  I understand now.  I understand why you always felt the need to act out and get into trouble.  You felt like that was the only way to get our attention.  Look, honey, I promise, from now on, things will be different."


"Will they, Mom?  Will they really?"


As Pilar is about to say something, Lance storms into the house.  "Damn it," he says angrily.


"Lance, what's wrong?"  Pilar asks.


"What else?  My sweet cousin Angela.  Did you know she's gone to work in the winery now?  I know what she's up to.  She's planning on taking over Falcon Crest.  She and Emma are conspiring together, I'm sure of it."


Eric looks from his father to his mother.  "See what I mean, Mom?  Nothing will ever change around here."  The young man turns and walks out of the house.


"Eric,"  Pilar calls after him.  "Eric, wait."  She follows her son out of the house and stops on the front porch as Eric gets on his bike.  "Sweety, please don't go."


"Bye, Mom,"  Eric says.  He puts on his helmet, starts his motorcycle, and drives off.  


Lance walks onto the front porch.  "Pilar, what was that all about?  What was going on with Eric, and why did he leave?"


Pilar turns to her husband.   "Nice going, Lance.  I was trying to talk our son into moving back home where he belongs, and I was making some progress.  At least until you came in bitching about yet another problem with Falcon Crest and one of your damned relatives."  Without another word, Pilar walks past Lance and back into the house, slamming the door behind her.  Lance sighs with frustration.

Del Oro Spa and Health Club......that night

Jonathon Lord is sitting at the bar inside Del Oro Spa and Health Club that night drinking.  He had been there all day, since his game with Kevin Channing, just sitting at the bar, scoping out the chicks.


Meanwhile, Angela St. James walks into the spa and makes her way to the bar, sliding into a seat two stools down from Jonathon, whose interested in aroused in the lovely young blonde woman.  


"Hi, Jack,"  Angela says to the bartender.


"Oh, hello, Miss St. James, how's it going?"  Jack asks.


"Just fine.  Let me have a martini."


Jack smiles.  "Coming right up."


Jonathon moves down and slides onto the stool next to Angela.  "Hello," he says.




"I'd be glad to buy that drink for you."


"No, thank you.  I have a tab here,"  Angela says as Jack returns with her martini.  "Thanks, Jack," she says, taking the drink.  "Just put it on my tab."


"Will do."


Angela gets up and walks over and takes a seat at a nearby table.  Smiling, Jonathon gets up from his bar stool, walks over and takes a seat across from her.  Angela is amazed at this young man's tenacity.  

"I'm Jonathon Lord," he says.  "And you are.......?"




"Just........Angela?"  Jonathon asks.


"That's right.  Is there something I can help you with?"


"No.  But I think there is something I can help you with."


"I seriously doubt that,"  says Angela.


"My, my.  You're very beautiful."

"Thank you.  And you are very handsome.  And charming.  And, very tenacious."


"Tenacious?  Me?"


"Yeah,"  Angela says.  "Do you always go up to girls you just met and offer to pay for their drinks?"


"Not always.  Only the ones who really appeal to me."


Angela smiles.  "And I really......appeal to you?"


"Oh, definitely,"  replies Jonathon.


"Gee, lucky me,"  Angela says as she stands.  "Excuse me.  I wish I could say it was a pleasure......Jonathon, is it?  But, I can't.  So long."  Angela finishes off her martini, picks up her purse, and walks out.  Jonathon smiles as he watches her go, being quite taken with the lovely Angela.  

The Channing Home....

Richard is pacing around in his living room that night talking on his cell phone as Michael and Elena walk in.  


"All right, Carl,"  Richard says to the person on the other end of the line.  "Well, just find out all you can and get back to me as soon as possible.  Thanks.  Good night."  Richard ends the call and puts his phone away.


"Who was that, Dad?"  Michael asks.


"That was Carl Lewis."

"Carl Lewis?  The private eye?"


"That's right,"  Richard says.  "I asked him to check up on a man named Jeremy Lord."


"Jeremy Lord?"


"Yes.  Why?"

"We met his son, Jonathon Lord, at the club earlier today,"  Elena replies.


"Really?  What's he like?"


"Seems nice enough,"  says Michael.  "Just an average guy, although I did get the impression that he's a bit of a player when it comes to the ladies.  When I first met him he was flirting with my wife."


"He was not flirting,"  Elena says with a smile.


"Well, it sure looked like flirting to me, sweetheart.  Anyway, Dad, maybe you should ask Kevin about Jonathon Lord.  Kevin spent the afternoon playing tennis with him at Del Oro."

"I might just do that,"  Richard says.


"What's wrong, Dad?"  Asks Michael.  "You had a meeting with Jeremy Lord today, didn't you?  Did you get a bad vibe from him?"

"Lord offered to buy The Globe from me today,"  replies Richard.  


"He......he wanted to buy the paper?"


"That's right."

"What'd you tell him?"  Michael asks.


"I told him The Globe isn't for sale.  That paper was left to me by my father, and through my own stupidity I lost it once.  And after I managed to get the paper back, I vowed I would one day leave it to my own sons."


"Good,"  says Michael.

The old Agretti House....

Cole Gioberti is sitting alone and reading in the den of the old Agretti home that night, where he is staying with his son Joseph, when his cell phone rings.  He picks up his phone, looks at the caller I.D., then answers.  "Hello.  Vicky, hey, what's up?"  Cole says with a smile upon hearing the voice of his sister.  "Yeah, I've been back in the Valley now since before Christmas.  I've been helping Joseph fix up and restore his mother's family's old house, and we've been staying here.  Yeah, Joseph's fine.  He had a date tonight, so I'm here by myself.  Chase is fine.  He's back in Florida right now, but he's supposed to be joining Joseph and I here again in a week or so.  Yes, I've seen Kevin, and he's doing great.  He looks so much like Mom.  How are things with you?"  Cole listens for a moment as his sister speaks.  "Vicky that'd be great,"  Cole continued.  "It's been too long.  I can't wait to see you.  Just give me a call.  I love you, too, Vicky.  Bye."  Cole puts his phone down and smiles.  "I can't believe it," he says to himself.  "My sister is coming for a visit."

Meanwhile.....the Omni Hotel, San Francisco

Jeremy Lord is enjoying an after dinner brandy in his hotel suite at San Francisco's posh Omni Hotel, when a knock comes at his door.  Sighing deeply, Jeremy puts down his drink and makes his way to the door to open it, half expecting his visitor to be his son Jonathon.  However, when Jeremy opens the door, he is surprised to find a woman standing there.  


"Hello, there," the woman says with a smile.


"My heavens,"  Jeremy says.  "I don't believe it.  I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow."


"I came a little early to surprise you.  Aren't you even going to invite your own wife in?"


Jeremy smiles.  "Of course, my darling Victoria.  Please come in."

Victoria Gioberti Lord walks into her husband's hotel suite.  "Jeremy, I'm so happy to be here."


"Victoria, I can't tell you how wonderful it is having my lovely wife here at my side again."  Jeremy kisses his wife.


Victoria flashes her beautiful smile at her husband.  It had been many years since Cole's sister Victoria had been in the Tuscany Valley.  Now, she was coming home with her husband, who seems to have a huge agenda.

Jeremy's Hotel suite.....the next morning

Jeremy awakens the next morning to find Victoria standing at the window looking out over the city of San Francisco.  Getting out of bed, he puts his bathrobe and walks over to his wife, wrapping his arms around her.  


"Good morning, my love,"  Jeremy says.


"Mmmmmm......good morning," Vicky says as she turns to face him.  


"How'd you sleep?"


"Like a baby.  I haven't slept that well in months."


"That's wonderful,"  says Jeremy.  "Are you going to pay a call on your brother today?"


"I was thinking about it.  I did phone Cole last night and told him I'd see him real soon.  But I didn't say when."


"I think it would be a marvelous idea.  I'd love to see Cole again."


Vicky smiles.  "I think I will go and see Cole today.  It's been too long since I've seen my brother and my nephew.  You know, I was just thinking about when Cole and I were kids.  I was only 17 when my family first moved here from New York.  That's when my grandfather, Jason Gioberti, was killed.  A ,lot sure has happened since then."


"Yes,"  Jeremy says.  "Darling, you are happy about being back here again, aren't you?"


Vicky sighs.  "I don't know.  Part of me is.  The last time I was here, my life was such a mess.  I was married to Eric Stavros, and things had gone from bad to worse.  I didn't know it when I left the Valley, but I was pregnant.  Pregnant and alone.  I was in no position at that time to raise a child, so.......I did the only thing I felt I could, and gave my baby up for adoption.  After that, I was just......ALONE.  So alone.  Until I met you."  Vicky places her hand on her husband's cheek.  "You turned my life around.  Made me feel whole again."


"And you did the same for me after my first wife died,"  Jeremy says.  "I never thought I would love anyone again.  I was alone with a small son to raise, and then you came into my life.  And the last twenty-one years have been the happiest of my life."


"Mine, too,"  Vicky says.  


"Darling, do you ever think about that first baby?  The one you gave up for adoption?"


"Not a day goes by that I don't think of him.  My son would be 27 now.  I wonder where he is, who raised him.  What kind of a man he's turned out to be."


"If you want, Victoria, we can try and find him."


"Thank you, Jeremy.  But no.  Where ever my son is, he probably isn't even aware that I exist."


"Alright.  I'll call room service and order up some breakfast.  Then, I have business to attend to."

Falcon Crest....

Lance, Pilar, Gabby, and Angela are having breakfast in silence in the Falcon Crest dining room that morning.  "Well," Angela says.  "Breakfast was delicious.  Now, I must get to work at the winery."


"Are you enjoying your new job?"  Gabby asks.


"I love it,"  Angela replies.  "After all, I am one of the heirs to Falcon Crest.  It pays to learn every aspect of the family business."


"If you wanted to learn every aspect then why didn't you start by picking grapes in the vinyards?"  Lance asks sarcastically.  


"Very funny, Lance.  Now if you will all excuse me, I must get to work."  Angela stands from her seat at the table and quickly leaves.  


Lance sighs deeply.  "I wonder how much longer we're gonna be graced with my lovely cousin's presence."


"I don't know and don't really care," says Pilar.  "Right now I'm far more concerned with the fact that our son isn't here, and after yesterday, he may never move back home."


"Pilar, look, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday,"  Lance says as Gabby looks at her parents, confused.  "I had no idea what was going on with you and Eric."

"Of course not,"  Pilar says.  "You were too busy being angry and listening to the sound of your own voice.  I almost had our son ready to at least talk about coming home, and you come charging in ranting and raving about Angela being in your hair at the winery, and that drove Eric away again."


"I don't see what the hell one thing had to do with another,"  Lance says.


"Lance, don't you get it?  Falcon Crest is part of our son's problem."


"Part of his problem?  What the hell is that supposed to mean, Pilar?"


"Never mind,"  Pilar says.  "You wouldn't understand if I told you."


"Well why not give me a try?"  Lance angrily asks.

"Would you two stop it?"  Gabby says angrily.  "Geez, all you guys ever do anymore is fight!"  Without another word, the girl gets up from her seat at the table and quickly leaves the room.  


Lance and Pilar exchange looks.  "She's right,"  Pilar says.  "Lately, all we've been doing is arguing."


"I know.  Question is......what do we do about it?"


"Find a way to bring our son home,"  Pilar says, standing.  "It's as simple as that."  Pilar looks at her husband, then turns and walks out of the dining room, leaving Lance alone.  

The old Agretti home.....later

Later that morning, a taxi cab drives up in front of the old Agretti home and comes to a stop.  Victoria Gioberti Lord gets out of the taxi and pays the driver, then walks up to the house.  Before ringing the bell, Vicky looks around the place.  So many memories come to her mind, as she remembers the days when Joseph's mother, Melissa Agretti, lived here with her tyrannical father, Carlo Agretti.  Working up her courage, Vicky rings the bell.  She waits patiently for a moment, and finally Joseph opens the door.


"Joseph?"  Vicky asks.


"Yes?  Aunt Vicky?"


"Yes, it's me,"  Vicky replies with a smile.  


"Oh, wow, come in,"  Joseph says.


"Thank you."


"My Dad told me you called and said you were coming to visit soon, but we sure never expected you THIS soon."


"Well, actually, I was already in San Francisco when I talked to Cole last night.  I wanted to surprise him."

"Oh, he'll be real surprised,"  Joseph says.  "I'll let Dad know you're here."


"Thank you, Joseph."


As Joseph turns to head upstairs, Cole is coming down the stairs.  "Joseph, who was at the......."  Cole stops abruptly when he sees his sister standing in the foyer.  

"Hello, big brother,"  Vicky says.  "It's been a LONG time."


"My God,"  Cole says, slowly descending the stairs to the foyer.  "I don't believe it.  Vicky.  What are you doing here?"  Cole asks, embracing his sister.  "When we talked last night, you never said you were coming so soon."


"I know,"  Vicky says.  "I was already in San Francisco.  I wanted to surprise you."


"Well, you sure have done that,"  Cole says.  "Ah, Vicky, it's been too long."


"I know.  Ten years.  Far too long for the two of us to have gone without seeing each other."


Cole looks at his sister and smiles.  "Well, it's so great to see you again after all these years.  Let's go for a walk in the garden out back.  I wanna hear all about your life, and I wanna hear about that husband and son of yours."


"Well, Jeremy is doing great,"  Vicky says as she takes Cole's arm and they head out to the garden.  "Alex is also doing great, and I'm very proud of my tall, handsome son."


Joseph watches his father and aunt as they walk away from him and down the hall to the patio.  He is happy his aunt Vicky is here.  Maybe she is just what his father needs to make him happy.


Cole and Vicky are walking in the garden behind the house and talking, catching up on each others' lives.  "So, when I met Jeremy, my whole life changed,"  Vicky says.  "He's been a wonderful husband and a wonderful father to Alexander."



"I'm very happy for you, Vicky,"  Cole says.  "And what about Alexander?  When am I gonna get to see my nephew?"

"Soon,"  Vicky replies.  "He's coming in a couple of days.  I hope to find a good school for him in San Francisco to finish out his this year, and then next year, when he'll be a senior."


"Well I can't tell you how thrilled I am that you're gonna be staying around for a while."


"So am I.  It'll give us a chance to become close again, and give our boys a chance to get to know one another as cousins.  In the meantime, I really should be going.  I'm meeting Jeremy and his son Jonathon for lunch at Del Oro.  I can't believe that place is still here after all these years."


"I sure wish you didn't have to rush off,"  Cole says.


"So do I.  But, we'll have plenty of time to spend together."


"Hey, I have a great idea.  Why don't you and Jeremy and Jonathon come over for dinner tonight?"


"Oh, Cole, thanks, but, I don't wanna put you and Joseph out.  It's such short notice."


"You won't be putting us out,"  Cole says.  "And besides, I'd love to get a chance to get to know your husband and stepson.  Jeremy's my brother-in-law and I've only met the guy three times in all the years you two have been married."


"Alright, then,"  says Vicky.  I'll see if Jeremy has plans, and I'll call you in an hour or so."


"Terrific.  I hope you guys can make it.  By the way, just wait til you see Kevin.  He's grown into a fine young man."


The smile fades from Vicky's face.  "Cole, I'm not so sure I want to see him."


"What?  But, Vicky, you have to.  Kevin's our brother."


"Yes, and he's also the reason for Mom and Dad's breakup, or have you forgotten that?"


Cole sighs.  "Vicky, that wasn't Kevin's fault.  Mom and Dad had been having problems long before she became pregnant with Kevin."


"Yeah, well, her pregnancy sure didn't help matters, did it?  Not to mention the fact that Dad died saving Kevin."


"Vicky, I hope you'll change your mind.  Kevin's a really great guy.  Both Mom and Dad would be very proud of the man he's become."


"That's surprising, considering he's been living with Richard Channing his whole life.  Speaking of ol' Richard, I suppose he's still the same as always, huh?"


"Well, I really wouldn't know,"  replies Cole.  "Since I came back to the Valley, the only time I've seen Richard was at Christmas over at Falcon Crest.  But, you may find comfort in knowing that things are just as dysfunctional up at Falcon Crest as they ever were."


Vicky looks at her brother and smiles.  "You're kidding.  Even with that old dragon Angela Channing gone, the family is still at each others' throats?"


"Oh, yeah.  Lance's son could be a carbon copy of Lance when he was that age, when we first moved here."


"I guess history really DOES repeat itself.  Well, Cole, I hate to run, but I really DO have to go.  I'll call you about tonight."


"Sure,"  Cole says, kissing his sister.  


"See you later."


"Bye, Vicky," Cole says as he watches his sister walk away.  

The San Francisco Globe....

"Come in, Carl,"  Richard says, welcoming his private investigator Carl Lewis into his office at The Globe that afternoon.  


"Thank you, Richard."


"So, I take it you have some information for me on this Jeremy Lord?"


"Yes, sir, I do.  Mr. Lord is a very private individual, so I wasn't able to find a whole lot out about it.  But, I was able to find out that he is a very wealthy businessman, his net worth is estimated at around $500 million.  He owns numerous businesses including interests in television stations around the country.  He's also married and has two sons, Jonathon, age 26, by his first wife, and Alexander Chase, age 16, by his second wife.  And.....here's something that will probably shock you, Richard."


"Shock me?"  Richard asks.  "Come on, now, Carl, I've been everywhere, done everything and seen everything.  There's very little that could shock me.  So tell me......what is so shocking about Mr. Jeremy Lord?"


"His second wife, the mother of his son Alexander, is someone you know quite well,"  Carl says.


"Oh?  And just who is the lady in question?"


"Victoria Gioberti, daughter of your late wife Maggie and Chase Gioberti."


"What?"  Richard asks, stunned.  "Jeremy Lord is the husband of Vicky Gioberti?"


"Yes, sir."


"Damn.  Now that is somewhat shocking.  Lord has to know that Vicky and I are related.  So why the hell didn't he tell me who he was when he was here yesterday?"


"That's a very good question, Richard."


"Yes.  And the answer is.......Mr. Jeremy Lord must be up to something, and I don't like that one bit.  Especially since he offered to buy my newspaper, and he took no for an answer too easily.  I know men like Lord, and they NEVER take no that easily.  Carl, I want you to keep digging into Jeremy Lord's life and his past.  If he has come to San Francisco with an agenda, I wanna know what that agenda is and what he's planning."


"I'll get right on it, Richard."


"Thank you, Carl.  Make this top priority."


"Yes, sir,"  Carl says.  He quickly leaves Richard's office.  


After the investigator leaves, Richard closes his door then sighs.  "What the hell are you up to, Lord?  And why didn't you tell me that Vicky Gioberti is your wife?"

Jeremy Lord's hotel suit....

At the Omni Hotel, Jeremy is walking around his suit talking to someone on his cell phone.  "Yes, everything is falling into place.  Oh, I never expected Richard Channing to agree to sell that newspaper of his on the first try.  But no need to worry.  I will get what I came here for, and accomplish what I came here to do.  Acquiring Richard Channing's newspaper  is only the beginning.  Soon, everything will be taken from Channing and his family.  THAT, I can guarantee."  Jeremy smiles deviously at the thought of his plan against Richard falling into place.



                                           ALSO STARRING



                      as Jeremy Lord


                      as Victoria Gioberti Lord


                      as Jonathon Lord

Write a comment

Comments: 5
  • #1

    Julia Cherri (Saturday, 23 January 2016 01:08)

    Oh my goodness John, You sure did it again, this episode is explosive. I have been seated on the edge of my chair all night. First Dallas and then Falcon Crest, what a night. Sure hope that Richard Channing is brought down. This is so exciting. Wonder if Angela will indeed take over the winery and chase Lance and Pilar out in the cold. Angela sorta reminds me of Angela Channing as she is very devious. I really like Cole and his sons. I did not know that Kevin was not Richard's son. He goes by the name of Channing so I am assuming that Richard adopted him when he and his wife Maggie were married. Can't wait to find out what Jeremy Lord has planned to do. This story is getting more and more exciting. Can't wait for the next episode. Thank you John for all your hard work. Again I want to tell you what an excellent writer you are. God Bless You Always.

  • #2

    Linda (Saturday, 23 January 2016 07:22)

    Loved this episode. You really are a great writer. Loved Dallas as well. Thanks

  • #3

    Cindy Shaft (Saturday, 23 January 2016)

    Another great story. I must say I do not remember alot of the Falcon Crest storyline since I only watched it once and no repeats. My memory is slowly coming back of the show. Keep up the great work!

  • #4

    Janie Fleischer (Saturday, 23 January 2016 16:25)

    John, one shock after another. I am still learning the characters since I never watched FC but what a family of backstabbers and they all have secrets. The biggest shock for me was finding out who Vicky is . Wow. Jeremy Lord and his family are very interesting and I absolutely love who you chose to be his Character. Love that man. Thank you John for another wonderful episode. It was great.

  • #5

    Marie Kinsey (Sunday, 24 January 2016 21:09)

    I don't see how you keep all these shows separate...that's another reason you awesome...you keeps us fans on the edge of our seats and wanting more. Love everything you write...I haven't been disappointed at all. Keep up the good work.